Public speaking is for me a great way to form connections, exchange ideas, and harness critical thinking. As a skill, it is organically connected to being an open-minded listener. I ‘ve lectured widely on Latin American & European literature and cinema, critical theory, visual expression and the art of screenwriting, at places as diverse as UCLA, University of Lausanne, Stanford University, Emory University, University of Oregon, University of Vienna, The Getty Center, Havana International Film Festival, and many others. I have enjoyed it enormously.
Filming HIJACKING THE TRUTH. Behind the scenes and Q&A with the director, Marzena Grzegorczyk.
Show&Tell Platform (February 22 and February 23, 2023).
- “Facts, Actions and Reactions. Introduction to screenwriting.” Koźmiński University (Business School), Warsaw, Poland (November 2019).
- “Screenwriting for films and games”. Presenter and panel discussant. SCRIPTFIESTA, Warsaw Film School, Poland (March 2018).
- “My 10.” Invited lecture. Game Design School, Warsaw (October 2017, 2018, 2019)
- “Chronotope and Media”. Session chair. CHRONOTOPE REVISITED. International Interdisciplinary Conference, Sopot-Gdynia (April 2017).
- “Reading Visual Media”. Conference. Keynote address. University of Lausanne (June 2008).
- “Moll-iere in the Mall: Public Spectacles in Private Places.” Invited speaker. Conference: “Negotiating the Streets: New Perspectives on the Hispanic & Lusophone City,” University of Bristol, England (July 2004).
- “European Union: its politics and regional economics”. Series of university lectures, press, Radio, TV appearances, roundtable discussions. Warsaw, Poland. (March-June 2004).
- “Latin American Film: Transitions and Challenges.” International Film Festival, Mar del Plata, Argentina (April 2003).
- “Nuovi territori.” 59. Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica (Venice Film Festival), Venice, Italy (September 2002).
- Roundtable discussant. New York/Avignon Film Festival, New York (March 2002).
- “Politics of Form.” Kyoto Int’l Film Festival, Japan (September 2002).
- “Gridlocked: Urban Rationality and its Lapses.” SUNY Albany (February 2002).
- “Private Topographies, Political Transitions.” Los Angeles/la frontera/Mexico City Symposium. Dartmouth College (July 1999).
- “Europe’s East Enters the 21. Century,” International Symposium. Invited speaker-roundtable discussant. U. of Georgia, Athens (February 1999).
- “Europe’s East Enters the 21. Century,” International Symposium. Invited speaker-roundtable discussant. U. of Georgia, Athens (February 1999).
- “La virtud de la posibilidad: ideas y nuevos medios tecnológicos.” XX. Latin American Film Festival, Havana (December 1998).
- “From Melodrama to Allegory. Latin American Cinema.” Emory U. (October 1998).
- “Culture and Politics in Cuba in the 1990s”, “Nationalisms in the Era of Globalization”, “Hispanics in the US. ” Invited lectures. University of Warsaw, School of Journalism and Political Science (May 1998)
- “”Frame Analysis. Tridimentionality in Film.” U. of Georgia (April 1998).
- “Improper Cities.” Invited lecture. The J.P. Getty Center for History of Arts and Humanities, Los Angeles (May 1994)
- “Gender Politics in Eastern Europe.” Invited speaker. U. of Oregon (April 1994)
- “The Death of Disorder: Organizing Knowledge in Mid-Nineteenth Century Argentina.” Invited lecture. Dartmouth College (January 1994).
- “Feminism in Eastern Europe.” Stanford University (March 1994)
- “Portraying Malinowski and Witkacy in the Tropics: on the Chronotopic Energy of Film”. CHRONOTOPE REVISITED. International Interdisciplinary Conference, Sopot- Gdynia,Poland (April 2017).
- “On Currencies. Culture and Economics in post 1980 Latin American Film and Fiction” Latin American Studies Association, panel organizer, presenter and discussant. Montreal (2007).
- “Structures in Agitation: On Canudos’s Social Body.” Latin American Studies Association, Washington D.C., (September 2001).
- “Structures in Agitation: On Canudos’s Social Body.” Latin American Studies Association, Washington D.C., (September 2001).
- “Sedentary Impulses. On Displacement and the Crisis of Metaphor.” Latin American Studies Association, (September 1998).
- “La tierra y las huellas de la memoria.” XXXI Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, Caracas (June 1996).
- “Improper Cities. On Design and Dwelling.” American Comparative Literature Association, Notre Dame, (April 1996).
- “Lost Space: Juana Manuela Gorriti’s Postcolonial Geography.” Midwest Modern Language Association, St. Louis (November 1995).
- “From Urb of Clay to the Hypodermic Needle.” Latin American Studies Association, Washington D.C., (September 1995).
- “Building in 1900. A Claustrophobic Tale.” Modern Language Association, San Diego, December 1994.
- “The Wandering legacy of Witold Gombrowicz.” American Comparative Literature Association, Claremont Graduate Center (March 1994.
- “Making Room for Onself: Space and Postcolonial Subjectivity.” Invited lecture. Department of Comparative Literature; Department of Spanish and Portuguese, UCLA (February 1994).
- “Feminism in Eastern Europe.” Stanford University (March 1994).
- “Organizing the Nation’s Knowledge: Theatricality in Domingo Faustino Sarmiento’s Facundo.” “Literature and Society: Rethinking Tradition,” Conference on Spanish and Portuguese Literatures, Columbia University (March 1994).
- “The World as Stage: Space, Creole Subjectivity and Theatrical Emblem in D.F. Sarmiento’s trilogy Civilización y barbarie.” Dept. of Spanish & Portuguese, Stanford (January 1994).
- “Healing the Split: Anzaldúa, Paz and Vasconcelos on Latin American Identity.” American Comparative Literature Association Annual Conference, San Diego (May 1993).
- “Brazilian Modernism in the Latin American and European Context.” Department of Spanish & Portuguese, Stanford (October 1993).

- Fable? Fact? Fantasy? Cultural and Political Constructions of Cuban Insularism. UCLA.
- Space, Subjectivity and Nation Building in 19th century Latin America. UCLA
- Language, Body and Knowledge in 19th century Latin America. Emory U
- Subjectivities. Emory U.
- Ideological Renovations. Emory U.
- Advanced Cinematography, teaching fellow, University of Southern California;
- Space and Subjectivity. U. of Oregon
- Nationalism and Formation of Subjectivity in 19th century Latin America. U of Oregon
- Screenwriting. Pomeranian Academy, Słupsk ( Poland)
- Visual expression. Collegium Civitas, Warsaw (Poland)
- Culture and Politics in Castro’s Cuba. UCLA, Emory U.
- Between Private Memories and Public Histories. Latin American Cinema. UCLA
- Politics and Everyday Life in East Central Europe. Habsburg Legacies and the Post-Communist Present (co-taught with Prof. Hubert Tworzecki), (Political Science Cinema). U. of Vienna
- Buenos Aires: Biography of a City. Emory U
- Latin American Cinema. Emory U.
- Independent Nations/Postcolonial Relations. Writing and Politics in Nineteenth -Century Latin America. Emory U.
- Texts and Contexts. Emory U.
- Modern Hispanic Cultures. Emory U.
- Modern Latin American Literature and Culture. Emory U.
- Survey of Colonial Literature. U. of Oregon
- Introduction to Literature in Spanish. U. of Oregon
- Language instruction: First Year Spanish Language, Intermediate Spanish Conversation, Intensive Spanish (summer course), Stanford U.
- Reading Spanish America: Contemporary Spanish-American Novel in Translation,Stanford U.